
Issue 36: Artificial Creativity

This special issue entitled Artificial Creativity aims to foment discussion around the cultural, societal, and ethical aspects of robots or AI engaged in creative production. On the one hand, one can ask: what are the […]


Issue 35: Anomalous / Autonomous

Along with established national states, the planet has a scatter of anomalous and/or autonomous territories whose existence is performed in various ways. These include officially recognised archaic micro-jurisdictions (such as those operating in the Channel […]


Issue 34: Inhuman Algorithms

Algorithms are integral to a digital, networked, automated society. Thrown into the public spotlight by a certain high profile search engine, algorithms are increasingly recognised to exercise agency in practices such as governance, surveillance, online […]


Issue 33: Mineral Transformation and Resource Extraction: Pasts, Presents and Futures

Mineral transformation and resource extraction generate some of the most complex environmental, social and economic problems facing humankind and the planet today. This issue of Transformations explores how scholars in creative arts, the humanities, and social sciences […]


Issue 32: What Can Moving Images Do?

Issue 32 called for provocations into the human-nature relation through the questioning power of the moving image. In particular, the editors looked for contributions that focused on the function of the moving image as a […]


Issue 31: Technoaffect; Bodies, Machines, Media.

The body and affect have always been technological. Technologies of the body circulate affect, producing flows and forms of feeling that are economically and politically situated. Contemporary digital practices are inevitably corporeally enframed (Hansen), calling […]


Issue 29: Social Robots: Human-Machine Configurations

Human-machine relationships are being transformed by robots increasingly performing social roles such as teachers, carers and companions. This arrival of social robots is challenging understandings of human-machine relationships and generating diverse aesthetic, ethical and political […]


Issue 28: The Ruin, The Future

Over the past few years a swathe of what has come to be known as “ruin porn” has swept the internet. Perhaps in an uncanny updating of Albert Speer’s dark fantasies of “ruin value”, photographs […]